Thrifting is (thankfully) becoming trendier and more accepted. I was practically raised in a Goodwill.

Though my family was always financially secure, we were never materialistic. To this day, if a thief broke into our home, I don’t know how much is even worth taking.

We have decent phones and televisions, just not the latest or greatest. Creating memories is a higher priority than acquiring stuff. I’ve never owned a purse or any clothing from a “designer” brand, but I’ll always cherish my childhood family vacations.

As a kid, most of my wardrobe came from thrift stores – or, if I was lucky, discount racks in the mall. At the time, being a bit bratty and entitled, I felt jipped! My cousin’s mom, by contrast, bought her the highly-enviable, full-price pieces off the mannequins. Why can’t MY mom do that?! I wanted to look cool, too.

Ironically, as an adult with total freedom to choose my clothing, most of my wardrobe is still thrifted. But now, thrifting is respected in a new way. People with eclectic wardrobes full of secondhand pieces are unique, stylish, fashion pioneers….not to mention, mindful of environmentalism and women in foreign countries making poverty wages to manufacture new clothing.

I also have fond memories of “just for fun” thrift store trips with my mom and brother. I was enthralled by toys, random knick-knacks, and books. Oh, the books! There’s no telling how many I got over the years. Even now, I rarely buy them new.

In 2024, I’ve drastically restricted my spending. The other day, I popped in a Goodwill for the first time in a while. I was delighted to find tennis shoes that looked unworn, a couple cool T-shirts, and a cute purse. The total I paid at the register reminded me just how budget-friendly thrifting is.

I also enjoyed browsing the other sections. As usual, there was no shortage of books – along with shelves containing glasses, plates, lamps, and other household items, paintings, bed linens, furniture, etc. Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we have here in America? The overflow is insane. Why do we even buy ANYTHING new?

Thrifting will always be one of my favorite activities.

One response to “For the Love of Thrifting”

  1. I really relate to this, except as a kid, we only had jumble sales – and that’s where my stuff came from, that and hand-me-downs.

    All these many years later, I work in a charity shop/thrift shop/pre-loved second-hand shop. I’m always amazed what other people choose to give away. It quite fascinates me!


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