As we settle into the groove of a new year, many of us contemplate what we’d like to accomplish. Sharing those goals and resolutions is socially acceptable but sorta-kinda borders on narcissistic because let’s face it–no one cares as much as me! 😉 Still, for fun and accountability’s sake, and to perhaps provoke you to think over your own goals, I want to share some of mine.

“Typical” new year resolutions:

  • Drink more water.
  • Start a vitamin regimen.
  • Create a cleaning schedule.
  • Use daily to-do lists more often.
  • Get my living space totally organized.
  • Get rid of clothes and other items I don’t use (no matter how much it makes me feel guilty).

Lily-esque goals:

  • Read scripture and pray daily (more on that below).
  • Read 1-2 Shakespeare plays and more books on historical events.
  • Upload videos to my YouTube channel regularly.
  • Come up with a good name and intro for my channel.
  • Get a camera and a better set-up (depends on finances).

Fortunately, my goals and resolutions for the year can happen despite the status of the pandemic. Like everyone, I’m eager for a return to normalcy, even if our new version of that requires a little more caution and cleanliness. IDK about you, but I’m fine with people washing their hands more, businesses wiping down their bathrooms frequently, etc.

My blogging habits may shift a bit this year. Since I’m directing a lot of creativity and energy towards my YouTube channel, and there’s only 24 hours in a day, I may devote less time to composing lengthy blog posts. I’m not going anywhere; writing is still my #1 passion. But since I’m also writing video scripts, my posts might be less in-depth at times. I will probably have weeks when I want to break down a topic and go deeper, but other weeks, I’ll turn out a shorter post like this one (well, I thought it would be…ha). Some weeks, I might take a “two-birds-one-stone” approach and blog on a subject about which I’m also making a video–not always, but sometimes.

I’ll leave you with a convicting sentiment I came across the other day. I read a post about “not making time an idol” with regard to prayer (though I’m applying it to scripture reading, also). It essentially read that we’re all busy, so incorporate your relationship with God into your life constantly, as He’s never out of reach. There was also a quote from someone who said, “I never pray for a long sitting, but I never go 30 minutes without praying.”

While there’s an argument to be had about making time for God and/or prioritizing devotionals, it is hard to the point of impossibility for most people to carve out a lengthy prayer-and-scripture-reading time in their schedules. And even those who could do so for some days likely can’t do it every day. Though the phrasing of time being an idol struck me as odd, it did make me contemplate whether I’ve become a bit legalistic about my relationship with God–reserving it for an “official” devo time, almost treating it as ceremonial when it should instead be interwoven in the fabric of my being. So, this year, I’m going to try to let that go and pray and read scripture every day, whenever and however I can, for five minutes, 20 minutes, an hour, or whatever length of time is available. [Sidenote: “Can we become legalistic about our relationship with God?” definitely needs to be a future vid!]

Now you know my goals and resolutions for the year; what are yours? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for reading!

Please watch, like, and subscribe if you want. It’d mean the world to me. ♥ My channel will generally feature Christian topics, but I have some ideas related to disability and books, and I’m wondering if I should make two channels or have one channel that’s a mash-up (like this blog). Let me know if you have input on that!

This post is part of Twinkl’s New Year Campaign, and is featured in 20+ New Year’s Resolutions For Families

16 responses to “2021 Goals, Resolutions & Blogging Plans (+ a Convicting Sentiment on Prayer)”

  1. Hi sweet lady! I love your goals. 💚 I begin each day with my devotions on YouVersion and some paperback ones I might be doing. My quiet time with HIM each morning has given me balance (if that makes sense?!). For so many years my mornings were rushed~yet I’d still start the day with him. But now they are more intentional and not so rigid with the time factor. That’s great on the video scripts! I enjoyed your video and will follow! ❣️stay safe and blessed 💚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ooh, I’ll have to check out YouVersion. Thanks for dropping by and leaving words of encouragement!! ♥♥

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are so welcome sweet lady! 💚❤️♥️


  2. I think if you want to do a “mash-up” kind of channel it might be easier to manage. But you do you! 💕

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Good luck with your goals! I’m sure they will go well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wanda Lancaster Avatar
    Wanda Lancaster

    Great plan! Time can easily become an idol when “me” time begins to take precedent over our spiritual disciplines. Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True! It’s hard to balance our reposibilities, but our relationship with God needs to be a priority. Love you, too!


  5. Wonderful! Wishing you all the best with the YouTube channel!♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great goals!!❤️

    Love what you said here:
    ‘…”official” devo time, almost treating it as ceremonial when it should instead be interwoven in the fabric of my being.”
    I’ve thought to myself I could be doing a better job as a Christian as far as spending time in prayer and reading scripture BUT I’ve taken notice to the fact that not an hour goes by where I don’t think about God/my faith and that humbles me, realizing how important it ALL is to me — conscious and subconsciously!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, love! I love that God and faith are a huge part of your life and thoughts. ♥♥

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Me too!!😊❤️


  7. Great post. I would probably go with one you-tube channel for now. You can always split it up later if necessary, but i think folks will enjoy a bit of variety in your topics. 🙂 Love you !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, love you too! ♥

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